Saturday, July 3, 2010

So here I was, hanging out at home, when I remembered that I have a blog that I haven't done in a long time. Yeah, I have like only a few followers,but that's no reason to give up! Haha!

I always love hearing new music, and Youtube is great about giving me new things to listen to. Today, I watched another Shane Dawson video. Then at the end I heard a really cool new song! Called "Come On Come On" by Morgan Laurance.

here it is!

Do you have a favorite song? It may not be the same as some of my styles, but I'd love to hear it. Contact me and tell me! You have no idea how much it would mean to me!

Here are a few videos that I enjoyed this week.

Yall remember Julian right?


Have you ever had a dream that bizarre? Do you even remember your dreams?...I don't :(

Leave a comment about your dreams, your most memorable, or even if you have them or not!

The summers of my childhood were spent playing outside and dominating on mariokart! The mario world is the GREATEST universe in gaming history! Simple, yet entertaining.
Now Katy Perry just made her new song, which has been huge lately! But I have the perfect combination for you.

Check this out!

Hey!Make sure you come back too! LikeFoSeriousMedia is looking for amateur Youtubers to help manage and present to the world. If you are interested, contact my email or comment and we'll talk!