Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Everyone LOVES Shane Dawson, and WHY NOT I ask. I mean he is Mr. Youtube. Seriously, if there were more people on Youtube like him, I'd be totally freaking out trying to subscribe to all of them. IF YOU DONT KNOW! I am a total Youtube-aholic. Which is basically what inspired me to make a blog about this topic, Youtubers and their videos.
But back to Shane! Anyways, he is seriously the best there is when it comes to comedy.
In some of his videos he incorporates his original character Shanaenae, who's name was obviously derived from his own. Shanaenae is a gangstafied white girl from the hood who can totally hold her own in a fight! Like I've seen her kill people, rob banks, EVERYTHING that can be done illegally, she considers a hobby. Let me recommend to you that if you never subscribe to anyone else, SUB TO SHANE

Ok, so by now you realize that as of right now I am guiding whoever is actually willing to check out this blog on a path of amazing Youtubers. I usually spend my days, nights, and everything in between in search of the greatest, and TRUST ME there are a ton more than I will probably post soon, because there are like a bajillion out there. And even though are are a lot that go out and come in, I hope to bring many of those who are "out", "in". Of course in the future I would like to feature some Youtubers that are what you might call, the babies of Youtube, because they have awesome talent, but they just dont have the views that big names like Shane Dawson and Ryan Higa have. By the way, if you have any interesting music, comedy, or just entertainment videos, of basically any genre, feel free to send them to me. I would LOVE that. I always enjoy seeing someone new, or old, that i haven't encountered on my youtube mission for dominance.

OK, so my next featured Youtuber is someone who is...out there. His favorite phrase is "OHAI". Can you guess his name? THAT'S CORRECT, comicfire7! Homeboy is a solid youtuber who seems to always make me laugh. The best part is, he's able to be completely serious and I just ROFL! Check him next!


ALSO, do you remember Mr. Ducky from the previous video? Well lucky for us Jordan decided to make a special channel just for him. So just for fun and giggles, I think I might put up a link for that channel. Be warned, Mr. Ducky has a problem with language. I warned you.


Ok, well to end on a most happy note. If you haven't heard of the princess of all youtube, iJustine, you should leave me im just kidding! But if you haven't, please check this out, she's definitely noteworthy on youtube.


this is her newest video as of this date.


REMEMBER THIS, you are amazing


Keith said...

These are some more cool clips. I don't watch a lot of stuff on YouTube, but I'm definitely going to have to start. Your blog is shaping up quite nicely.